Wednesday, 27 January 2016

The 9th Age - a new ... blog

Hail friends, acquaintances, internet bros and unknown enemies!
I was sitting aimlessly not paying any attention on a conference call, when I had a dangerous thought. By the time that the last mention of synergistic relationships was but a rapidly fading echo in the corporate brain I had gone for it. 

I would set up a secondary blog focusing purely on the weird and wonderful world of the 9th Age.


Well, why does anyone do anything really? If I had to choose some reasons at random, I would presuppose it would be a good way for me to focus my mind on the game, I would point out that there is more than enough going on around here for a blog focusing purely on it, I would hint at the fact that the tribalistic internet hordes seem to like their hobby segregated from [insert hated other game here], I would casually mention how lacking in self-depreciating humour most web warriors are, and finally I would call attention to the fact that this whole thing  is quite the noble enterprise and worthy of curiosity and commentary. That, or for the fame, glory and riches.
Readers of my words over the years will know I like nothing more than a gentle poke (or the occasional light stroke) of people who take things too seriously. People who know me personally will also know I am not the biggest fan of ‘build-your-own” anything really. I don’t back Kickstarters. In short, I am not that adventurous. What I want is a fully realised product. A product I can judge and, should I find it worthy, I am prepared to invest a lot my money and time into (and I have little enough of either spare!).

Logically therefore I should not like 9th Age.

Whilst I have issues with what they have done with some of it, it has to be said that it gets a bye from being effectively an 8th edition legacy product. And it is being used at the ETC – so hating for the sake of hating would be churlish. Add into the fact that it’s a fun game and we may as well get the party on!

Where to start?

Well, with a normal game it is pretty simple. Look at the background, the setting, the 'fluff'. Unfortunately I believe this is still being written

I could try to describe the procedure that is used to create the rules and army books, but am pretty sure that would require a level of thought, mapping and research that I try to only ever commit to in my day job (assuming deadlines are approaching).
The process of the Powers That Be go through is quite cool – there is a lot of community feedback pouring in as loins are girded the world over and muscles strain to create a suitably horsey camel. Thankfully it seems the PTB rule with a suitably iron fist, though unfortunately I only started paying attention to the forum when the Age of Creativity had passed, and the Age of the Accountant had descended upon us (but more of all of that at a later date).
The plan here is going to be a relatively simple one if it is to work at all:
1) Pick a topic
2) Ramble a bit about it
3) Repeat as often as interest and time permit...
It’s so simple, it’s dangerous.
Let’s see what this journey takes us…

Until next time
